Doctor Phil Relationship Remedy Relationship Rescue Review

With Relationship Rescue, Philip McGraw has done a great amount of work to try and help people put their lives back together after things have fallen apart. This is no different from anything else that he has done on television with his show that brings in people who are in the middle of family crisis. If there are problems that people are having, he will help them find a way to sole it themselves.

While it might be better to have Dr. Phil right there with you to help you figure things out, his book, Relationship rescue, provides the next best thing. While it is always recommended to go seek counseling, it may not always be feasible. What makes many efforts to save relationships fail is that there is no action taken. Dr. Phil insists that if your relationship is to be saved, then both parties must work to save it. Any marriage counseling or relationship advice that anyone will give you will let you know that work is involved.

Phil McGraw’s book gives people instructions that are very helpful but can be difficult because he challenges both parties in the love relationship to look inwardly and own up to their problems and work to fix them. He tells them that they need to work as hard to fix themselves as they expect their partner or spouse to work on theirs. Relationship Rescue says that even if you think that your significant other is the root of all the problems you must scrutinize yourself.

In Relationship Rescue, Dr. Phil asks readers to perform an self analysis regarding their feelings about the relationship. There are lists of questions that are categorized by topics like, “Relationship Health Profile,” “Personal Concepts Profile,” “The Relationship Behavior Profile: Your Partner,” “The Relationship Behavior Profile: You.” Just looking at those headings you know that it is going to require some serious work and thinking that will be well worth it once you see an improvement in not only your perceptions of the relationship, but in the relationship itself.

Dr. Phil’s Relationship Rescue also encourages people to change their perspective of the relationship form a negative one to a positive one. Most people make things out to be worse than they are. Changing one’s viewpoint of the other in the love relationship may help them see that the problems may be as bad as first thought.

Dr. Phil, as always, gives common sense relationship advice that requires some hard thinking and some hard work. There are millions of people who have taken his advice that he gives in this book and seen dramatic improvements in their lives. If you don’t have the patience or the time to read his Relationship Rescue book, there is an abridged audiobook available that makes the information easy to understand but also helps in that you get to listen to his sound advice in his own voice.

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How to Get an Ex Girlfriend Back Even If Youve Been a Slob

Mike was at a loss as to how to get an ex girlfriend back.  Suzie had dumped him saying that he was a slob.  Mike and Suzie had been talking about moving in together and Suzie said she realized that she just wasn’t able to take a relationship to the next level when the partner couldn’t even maintain his own hygiene.  Now Mike was at a loss about how to get an ex girlfriend back.

Mike took a careful assessment of himself.  He noted that he often didn’t shave on the weekends.  He hadn’t had a haircut in 8 weeks.  Suzie had often casually mentioned that he might want to get a manicure but he dismissed this as “girl stuff.”

He also looked around his apartment and realized that it was a pig sty.  No wonder Suzie hadn’t wanted to set up housekeeping with him!

Armed with this crucial information about himself, he decided that he needed to win Suzie over.  The question was how to get an ex girlfriend back.

While Mike wasn’t very good at cleaning himself, he did hire a housekeeping service to do a deep clean on his apartment and then scheduled them to come in once a week.  He also asked the housekeeper to put doing his laundry on their list of things to do so that he would always have a clean shirt and pair of undershorts to wear.

He made a point to shower and shave every day – even when he wasn’t going to see anybody.  He figured making a habit of it would be a good idea.  Mike also made sure that he brushed his teeth morning and evening, something he had neglected from time to time before.

After Mike had cleaned up his act, the next step in his how to get an ex girlfriend back campaign was to write a letter to Suzie telling her about the changes he had made.  He even included photos of himself and his apartment.

Suzie was touched enough to agree to have coffee with Mike.  She really loved Mike, but had felt that nagging was the only way to get him to change.  She wanted to take the relationship to the next level and get a home together, but didn’t feel that she could live with such a slob.

Mike acknowledged her concerns.  He said that there were things that he could do a better job at, like taking care of his personal grooming.  He also said that he was unlikely to do a lot of the housekeeping, but he could hire a maid service to do that for him knowing that having a clean place was important to Suzie.

Suzie appreciated the efforts that Mike had made.  She said she wasn’t ready to change residences based on a few week’s efforts though.  Mike and Suzie agreed that they would start going out again and, in six month’s time, reconsider moving in together based on whether Mike had truly become less of a slob.

Mike decoded the secret of how to get an ex girlfriend back and saved a relationship that meant a lot to him.

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Getting an Ex Back When You Were the One Who Dumped Him

Getting an ex back is hard if you were the one being dumped.  But imagine how you would feel if you were the one who did the dumping?  That is the position that Aimee found herself in and she had to go about getting an ex back.

Aimee’s so called friend Renee told her that her boyfriend Jaime had been sleeping with another woman.  Without verifying the information or even asking Jaime about it, Aimee confronted Jaime and accused him of having an affair.  This took Jaime by complete surprise because he had no inkling that the rumor was circulating, and he didn’t do a good job of defending himself.  Aimee unceremoniously dumped him.

A few days later, Aimee found out that Renee had been lying for her own jealous, petty reasons.  Now Aimee was in a quandary.  Getting an ex back was important to her, but she also wanted to save face. 

Aimee called up Jaime and explained what had happened.  But Jaime was in no mood to take her back.  Aimee had hurt him by not trusting him and not even talking things over with him. 

Getting an ex back took all of Aimee’s wiles. 

First of all, Aimee wrote Jaime a long letter of apology.  She took responsibility for what happened and promised that it would never happen again.  She reminded Jaime that they had a long history together and that they had shared some beautiful times.  She said that she didn’t want to throw all of that away.  She told him that the reason she acted the way she did was because she loved him and couldn’t stand the though of his being with another woman.  The thought of losing him forever was painful.

After she had mailed the letter, she didn’t bother him with constant texts or phone calls.  She figured that getting an ex back after a situation like this one required that she give Jaime his space.

When she did run into Jaime, she was as nice as she could be.  She worked positive memories into the conversation casually.  She didn’t apologize any further though.  She had told him both in person and in writing that she was sorry and let it go at that. 

One day, Aimee got tickets for Jaime’s favorite band which was in town for one concert only.  She asked Jaime to go with her “just as friends.”  In this way, she opened the door to a future relationship without crowding him. 

Getting an ex back after you have behaved badly and dumped him is difficult.  Not only do you have the embarrassment of having to apologize, but you almost have to start from scratch again on the relationship.  Rebuilding the trust is a key component in this period.

Jaime and Aimee did eventually get back together.  Jaime came to see that Aimee’s outburst was the act of a jealous woman who deeply loved him.  He saw it as a mistake that they could both grow from.  Their relationship became stronger than ever.

Aimee took the right approach to getting an ex back.

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What to Look for in a Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back Ebook

What should you look for in a “Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back” ebook? 

Ebooks are great because you can instantly download them and either read them from your computer or print them out.  You don’t have to be embarrassed by buying them in a store with a clerk asking what kind of guy are you if you need to get your ex girlfriend back?  Ebook also allows you to find information on a topic that isn’t readily available in print form.

First of all, any get your ex girlfriend back ebook should offer you hope that it is possible.  One of the ways this is done is to show you documented case studies of people who have actually gotten back together with their ex’s after using the tips and techniques in the resource.  These are known in the ebook world as “testimonials.”

Secondly, you need to know whether there’s more to the course of action than “work on yourself for a month.”  Most of the Get your ex girlfriend back ebook out there say that you shouldn’t contact your ex for 30 days and use that time to work on yourself.  While that may be good information, it is hardly a system that justifies your shelling out $50 to learn.  I just told it to you!

You want to make sure that your ebook will be readable on a Mac if you use one of those instead of a PC.  Generally, if the book is delivered in PDF format, it is readable on all computers.

Find out whether your get your ex girlfriend back ebook author will allow you to ask him questions before you buy.  Having this level of customer support will assure you that the book is genuine.

Also, you should find out whether there is a money back guarantee if the system shown in the ebook doesn’t work.  You don’t want to be shelling out your hard earned money for some modern day “medicine man’s” song and dance.  You want the system you buy to really work.

In the short term $50 is a lot of money.  You could send your ex a bouquet of flowers for that.  You could take a new girl out on a good first date for that.

In the long term, however, $50 is a drop in the bucket if it will allow you and your soul mate to reconcile. 

But, while some get your ex back ebooks do cost this much or more, the one I recommend is not that much money.  You can get The Magic of Making Up for just $37.  It has all of the features I talked about – hope that the system really does work, testimonials, a complete course of action that doesn’t boil down to a single sentence, readability on all computer systems, and pre and post purchase author support.

I highly recommend the Magic of Making Up as your get your ex girlfriend back ebook.  

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How Can A Jerk Get Woman Back

If you are trying to get woman back, but you were a jerk to her, you may not deserve her. That may not be what you want to hear but it may very well be the truth. It is good that you recognize that you may have had a problem but what are you going to do about it and why should she want you back? Until you figure those things out you may not get woman back.

Here’s what you need to do to get woman back:
1) Change the way you look at women. If you consider them property then you do not deserve a chance. View them as people deserving of respect and do your best to give it to them and you might have a chance. To love women you need to respect women.
2) Change the way you treat women. Chivalry is not dead. Be a gentleman and treat them as queens. If you can pull this off your chances improve. Be subtle about it and try not to draw attention. You don’t want to look like you are faking it. They will notice. Women are smart like that and if she doesn’t notice she will have a friend notice and tell her. Your credibility may be shot.
3) Learn humility. This will go a long way towards helping you get woman back.
4) Let her know that you were a jerk. If she tells you that you were, just agree with her. If she exaggerates, or it seems like she is, remember that to her she isn’t. The only person’s opinion that matters is hers if your goal is to get woman back. You’re selling and you’re trying to get her to buy. The customer is always right.
5) Find out if she wants some space or if she wants you to come begging and then give her what she wants. This will be a tough thing to do. You may have to ask around to people who know her well.  She may even think that your efforts to try out are worth giving you a second thought.
6) Try and convince her friends that you are changed. You will have to do this first. They will be skeptical of you and will be most interested in protecting their friend that you hurt. If you can win her friends then you have won the major part of the battle. If you try and get ex back first, you will have trouble convincing her and even if you do, they may talk her out of it. Do you want her trusted friends for you or against you?
7) Don’t tell her that you have changed, show her. Words are great but it doesn’t mean anything unless there is some action to back it up. You need more than words.
8) Think about the long term and if you are going to be able to make this change permanent. If you can’t then you are going to end up in the same place you are now but only with a smaller chance to get woman back.

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To Win Back Ex Boyfriend Try Dating Someone Else

To win back ex boyfriend, try dating someone else!  Your first thought is that that doesn’t sound right!  It sounds counter-intuitive and you’re flat out not going to do it!  Right?  Well what if it’s the right thing to do and by doing it you move yourself closer to getting back together with your ex boyfriend? Would you do it then?

Let me explain!  When you’ve been dumped by someone you’re still in love with, instinctively your first thoughts are to chase after them and to beg and plead with them to take you back.  It’s pretty much a mad panic on your part to get right back into the relationship before your ex boyfriend forgets about you and or meets someone else.

Well pretty much you need to understand that your ex boyfriend is not going to forget about you just because the two of you broke up.  Plus if he still has strong feelings for you, just because he’s dating someone else it doesn’t mean there’s no way back for the two of you.  So there’s really no need to panic!

Instead to win back ex boyfriend trust that taking some time out is the right thing to do and take that time out.  During this time away from your ex boyfriend, be sure not to contact him in anyway.  Just let him get on with whatever he’s doing and you do the same.

Once you accept that you’re not going to be contacting your ex boyfriend, it’s time to put on your best outfit, reconnect with your friends and get out and have some fun.  Not only will this keep you busy and stop the temptation to call your ex, but it will also boost your confidence no end.

If you meet someone who you feel you’d like to date, don’t let your desire to win back ex boyfriend stop you.  Remember, you’re not actually in a relationship with your ex, you’ve broken up and you’re a free agent.  So if you’re emotionally ready to have some fun, go ahead and have some!

What you should do first and foremost though, is to make it clear to whoever you decide to date that you’re not interested in anything heavy or full on, you just want to have some fun.

What you should also be clear about in your own mind, is that this is not about making your ex boyfriend jealous.  It is only about keeping your spirits high and helping you come to terms with the situation with your ex boyfriend.  You never know, you might enjoy this new guy so much that you decide that getting back with your ex boyfriend is not what you want to do after all.  Equally using this time apart to explore how you feel, can be a real way to win back ex boyfriend.

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Win Ex Boyfriend Back From That Girl

You want to win ex boyfriend back because he was yours and for some reason she has him now. If you believe that the two of you should be together then it is very likely that you are. But how are you going to do this? You have to play it smart and dignified if you are going to win ex boyfriend back.

She may want to play nasty to keep him away from you but if you get nasty right back then all you will be doing is feuding and you are too big for that. What you want to do is show him that you are more mature than she is and more like a real woman while that other girl is immature.

If your first instinct is to fight, suppress it. Rise above it. Gain control of your emotions and the other girl may be exposed for being the immature girl she is. If you look favorable compared to her then it will only be too obvious that you are the better choice. Rather than resorting to curses, resort to positive feelings. Be the obvious better choice and you stand a greater chance to win ex boyfriend back.

If she treats him poorly then talk to his friends. They may be feeling the same way. IF it keeps going you may have grounds to have an intervention. Talk with their friends and find out with them what you could do together to get him out of that situation. If you want to win ex boyfriend back it will be easier if you have his friends working with you. Much of the best ways to win ex boyfriend back from her is going to be using his friends.

If it seems like he is under some love spells that she put on him, find out what it is that she has over him and try to find ways to show that he deserves better. Let his friends know that he deserves better. They may very well agree with you. If she has him obsessed with her and she is forcing him to spend time with her instead of them, they will want to get him back. If you are on their side, they will be on yours.

If are able to convince others who know him well that their friend is better off with you then you will have a lot smaller of a battle to fight. There will be so many people against that relationship that it could crumble under the pressure. The secret to having this work in your favor is to be behind the scenes. Let others do the work for you. That way if that other girl catches on you can make her seem like she is paranoid for thinking that you are causing all their problems.

The key to getting what you want, which is to win ex boyfriend back, is to have as many people on your side as possible. It doesn’t have to be you against the two of them. It could be the two of them against the world. When their relationship falls apart, you will find it easier to win ex boyfriend back.

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Starting Over Win Your Love Back

Win your love back. It slipped away before you had a chance to realize what was happening. It seems like everything happened so quickly, like a tornado that came out of nowhere and destroyed everything that the two of you had worked so hard at building. The results were devastating. Now you are left walking through the rubble trying to find out if there is anything worth saving. To win your love back is going to be a huge challenge.

To try and win your love back, first look to see if there is anything able to be salvaged.  Look through all that remains, take a hard look at everything and see the damage that was done. It could be that the damage due to the break up was too much and there really isn’t anything left to save. Hopefully, this is not the case but, unfortunately, it is true many times.

Also take a critical look at everything and see if trying to win your love back is even something that you want to even try and do. Winning your love back is going to be hard work and you just went through an exhausting time in your life.

Does it make sense to try and put these pieces of the failed romance and/or marriage back together? Will you just be banging your head against the wall? Do they even want to try and work with you or even want to win your love back? Ask yourself these hard questions. It could save you a lot of added and unnecessary grief.

Now, once you have decided that it is worth it to try and win your love back, clean up. Get rid of all the things that cluttered up your life and made it difficult. This is a great chance to go in and take only what was good about your love and leave behind the bad stuff. If there was something that complicated things between the two of you, leave it behind. You really need to focus your energy on building on the more solid foundations of your love.

What was it that made your love special? What were the best things about your love? What was it that made it special and really makes you want to win your love back? Focus on these things and use them as the cornerstone and foundation of winning your love back.

One mistake that many make when they want to rebuild a relationship is that they try and rebuild it exactly the way it was before it started falling apart. The truth is, if it wasn’t strong enough to withstand the storms that came the first time, it won’t be strong the next time. Try to build it better than it was before. Don’t live in the past, build on the good things and leave behind the things that made what you have weak enough to be destroyed. Win your love back and make it stronger than ever before.

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Want My Wife Back – I Screwed Up

Well, you blew it and now you are crying, “I want my wife back!” Was it something dumb that you did or kept doing? You probably had it coming, then. You dug your hole and now you’re stuck in it. So are you going to just stay in that hole or are you going to try and climb out of it? If you are serious when you say, “I want my wife back” then you better get climbing.

Those who “want my wife back” need to know this word: HUMILITY. You better believe that it is going to take some crawling and some begging if you are going to get her back. You can’t start feeling that you are too good to come back to her on your knees. If she is still mad at you, you probably deserve it.

The first thing you need to do is admit that you messed up. Don’t make excuses for it and don’t try to cover it up. If she starts telling you how bad it is, you have to agree with it. This is no time to try and defend what you did. Don’t lie about it, you have to be honest. Lying will only get you in more trouble. Also, don’t try and gloss over it saying it wasn’t that big of a deal. If it cost you your marriage, then obviously it was a big deal.

The second thing that you are going to have to do is not just tell her that you are going to better. You may have tried that before but didn’t get better. You have to make her believe it. It will take more than words to get her to believe it. If there is something that you did that you should stop doing then you probably need to take steps to stop it.

For those of you that have a problem with drugs or alcohol, you better go and get some help. You should be working on that before you start telling her that you are trying to change. If it has to do with anger issues, get enrolled in anger management classes and start taking them. Whatever problem it is she says you have, you better be making steps to get it corrected. If you really “want my wife back” you better get serious about making those changes.

You may find this to be a lot of work and that is because it is hard work. You may think that you are just fine the way you are but “the way you are” caused the breakup to happen in the first place. The way you were wasn’t good enough.

Your pride may cause you to believe that you are too good to do a lot of the above but to get your wife back you need to lose your pride and learn a lot of humility. You can’t let your pride get in the way of doing what you need to do to when you “want my wife back”.

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How You Can Save Marriage By Creating Intimacy

When your marriage hits rocky waters you must firmly believe that you can save marriage in order to save the marriage.  If you don’t believe that as fact, then there is nothing you do that will make a blind bit of difference.  So right now, believe that it is possible for you to save the marriage. 

A common missing ingredient for marriages in trouble is a lack of intimacy.  For a marriage to be happy there must be a level of intimacy that goes beyond the physical and wholeheartedly embraces the emotional.  Ask yourself this, “does my marriage suffer from a lack of intimacy?”

Are you open and transparent with your spouse?  Do you share and include or do you exclude and keep your emotions and emotional needs locked away and try and deal with things on your own?  If you exclude your spouse emotionally, then your marriage lacks intimacy and it’s time to inject some and get on the road to save marriage.

Make sure that you’re making every attempt to share your problems and worries with your spouse.  Too often people find themselves worried and preoccupied with a situation.  Instead of sharing this situation with their spouse, they decide to try and deal with it on their own.  This is a big mistake because it excludes your spouse when you should be including them.

Remember, spouses can very easily sense when something is wrong and if you exclude them, they quickly begin to feel shut out and redundant and that’s when hurt can quickly find its way into a marriage.   

Another way to inject intimacy into your marriage so that you can save marriage is to make time for your marriage.  In this day and age when a thousand and one things can encroach on your time, not making time for your marriage is a surefire way for a marriage to hit trouble.  It’s no fun discovering that when you were busy carving out a career or focusing your time on attending to the kids, that your marriage just shriveled up and died.

Make sure that if you want to save marriage that you’re actively making time for your spouse and your marriage.  Once in a while take an impromptu afternoon off and have some fun with your spouse.  When your spouse realizes that you value them to the extent of changing your schedule to include them, you will begin to see an improved difference in your marriage.

Creating and fostering intimacy in your marriage so that you can save marriage will take time and is an ongoing process.  Don’t ever make the mistake of allowing your marriage to be left set on auto-pilot.  A healthy and intimate marriage is one that is attended to regularly, only then will it thrive.

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